Callie and her litter mates Sunny and
Mica were feral kittens who came to play on Lorrie's front porch
one day. They found the food there to be very delicious and decided
to stay. Callie weighed just 2 pounds back in December 2011 and
is now all grown up and has become an indoor cat at Lorrie's
house. Sunny and Mica now live with Jeanine McFarland.
Callie loves playing with her toys and
with her sheltie buddies, especially with Morgan.
And in between her daily naps, she's working on teaching the
shelties to play more like a cat.
Lorrie thought that Callie needed a
buddy, so Leo came to live with them. Leo was raised at the veteranarian's
office. His mom was a stray cat. Callie ignored Leo and pretended
he wasn't there. Turns out she really didn't want a buddy.
Chester wandered over to Lorrie's house
one day and decided he wanted to stay. So he and Leo are great
buddies and everone in happy! |